Avoid injuries with customized training

Have you ever felt muscle or joint discomfort during your workout?
Did you know that a good personalized training program, tailored to you, can reduce your risk of injury?
Discomfort and Injuries During Training
Experiencing muscle or joint discomfort during training can be frustrating and discouraging. However, many times this discomfort can be avoided by opting for personalized training programs that are tailored to your individual needs.
To learn more about this, we interviewed Carlos Molina, CEO of Traineer, to tell us about his experience:
"Let's set the scene.
You are someone passionate about sports, ready to push your own limits. For this reason, you visit your gym multiple times, and everything goes well, you progress "adequately." However, one day, while doing your usual routines, you start to feel discomfort, a stabbing pain in your shoulder that prevents you from progressing. It's frustrating, all the effort you had put in and all the progress you had made are now useless, as this shoulder pain prevents you from lifting weight, and not only this, but the pain is getting worse.
Well, this is a real case, it's my case no less, and it happens to many people, as for various reasons, the training doesn't end up being correct and doesn't quite fit the user's needs.
This point, where you can no longer progress as before, means going back on all the progress you were making. Each body has its individual needs, depending on the point it is at, according to the health status and according to the individual's own physique, so although at first it seems to work, a generic training is not the best solution. Even, doing things right from the beginning, not only does one progress, but the changes are noticed radically and much faster.
In the end, after too much trial and error, I have discovered that the best solution is to go to a professional and forget about generic training tables. And for me, it has been a drastic change, a before and after in the progression of my training that has made me realize the importance of a good professional helping you and planning your training sessions." - Carlos Molina (CEO of Traineer)
Personalized Training
Personalized training is the solution for professional and practical training, and as can be seen from the world of sports, the role of a trainer is crucial and fundamental to guide people to meet their goals in an appropriate and optimal way for them.
An individualized approach will allow you to enjoy your training without pain, as the training is completely adapted to your physique and physical state. These adaptations ensure that you can face the training in a correct and healthy way, as they reduce the damage that the body suffers in these cases.
But this is not the only advantage of personalized training. A good personalized training, like the ones that professional personal trainers can do, has numerous advantages over a predefined and generic training table, like those usually found in various media.
Among these advantages of doing personalized training, the following can be found.
Advantages of Personalized Training
Adaptation to your physical composition: Personalized training considers your body structure, strength, and flexibility. By adjusting the exercises to your body, the risk of injury is minimized and performance is optimized.
Focus on weak or injury-prone areas: Personalized programs focus on strengthening specific areas that may be weak or prone to injury. By working on these areas, stability is improved and the risk of related injuries is reduced.
Graduality and appropriate progression: Personalized training is adapted to your current level of physical condition and allows for gradual progression. This avoids an excessive increase in intensity or load, thus reducing the risk of injury due to overexertion.
Technique correction: Trainers and personalized training applications can provide constant correction of technique during your exercises. This helps maintain proper alignment and reduces the risk of injuries caused by poor execution.
When it comes to avoiding muscle or joint discomfort, personalized training can make a difference. As we have seen, by adapting to your body and providing an appropriate progression, these trainings minimize the risk of injury and promote pain-free training.
What about the cost?
Well, the fees for personalized training vary depending on the professional who prescribes them. Prices start from 30€ for the more modest professionals, up to 200€ for the more demanding ones. The average tends to be around 50/60€. (price per month of training).
These services usually include an individualized training plan, weekly monitoring of progression, and consultation of doubts.
Thanks to the digital era we live in, there are also other alternatives, like Traineer.
Traineer offers on its website everything that personalized training sessions provide. Personalization adapted to individuals in an individual way. Detailed instructions. Corrections of technique. Monitoring of progression. Consultation of doubts. All thanks to artificial intelligence and a much more affordable price than a human personal trainer, much more economical.
"At Traineer, what we do is to be able to offer this personalized training service to everyone, so that anyone with the need to meet their physical goals have access to the best personal trainer. People will be able to train like never before and meet their goals very quickly and without the risk of injury. We have already talked to several people who use Traineer in their daily lives and what they tell us about their progress in the gym is incredible, feeling how they convey their excitement because they are reaching their goals in record time is what encourages me to continue offering the best of me within Traineer." - Carlos Molina.
Traineer can offer this price reduction because its artificial intelligence takes care of everything, and it is not necessary to have a person reviewing the workouts, the artificial intelligence itself takes care of reviewing them. Everything immediately. Without having to wait.
With Traineer, you can enjoy safe and effective training sessions that reduce the risk of injury and allow you to achieve your goals without discomfort.
Now that you know about these benefits and possibilities, do you dare to take the plunge?